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Elementary 3rd Floor HVAC Renovations

Fully Completed Project Date: October 2019
Air Handlers for 3rd floor

The 3rd Floor at the elementary has consistently been difficult to cool down during the months of September and June.  Students and staff experience in classroom temperatures of 80+ degrees.  The capital project seeks to improve cooling for those months and heat distribution October through May.


3rd Floor Classroom.jpg
  • 8/10/19 - All the classrooms and hallways have had the ceiling tiles and grids removed to allow for the ductwork to be installed for the air conditioning and heating. The plumbing for the heating is almost done. The 3rd floor is scheduled to be done by the 3rd week of August.  As we get to mid August, some rooms that are being put together first might be available to use.

  • 8/14/19 - 75% of the classroom will be put back together by Friday, Aug 16th.  Ceiling tiles, furniture and cleaning are currently taking place.

  • 8/15/19 - All metal framework in the 3rd floor hallway has been installed.  Tiles are being dropped in starting next week August 19th.

    • 3rd floor hallway waxing will be done last​ week of August.

  • 09/04/19 - DV Brown will be working after school to finish ductwork.

  • 09/16/19 - Construction Meeting took place today - 3rd Floor is scheduled to be finalized by October 7th.

  • 09/30/19 - End of October the rooftop units are being delivered.  The 3rd floor classroom will remain on the old heating system until the rooftops are hooked up.  

  • 10/18/19 - Heating and AC Units should be placed on the roof of the elementary to service the 3rd Floor by November 11th.

  • 11/08/19 - 3rd Floor Air Handlers have arrived and are sitting on the lawn.  A crane will place them in the 3rd floor rooftop on Nov. 11th am.  Come watch!

  • 12/09/2019 - Electric and plumbing for the new 3rd floor HVAC system will be worked on during Christmas break.

  • 12/30/2019 - Electric and plumbing to the air handler sitting on the roof are being hooked up this week with a completion date of January 15th, 2020.

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